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About non-conformance profiles

Non-conformance profiles are highly configurable in FactoryLogix. Each profile has settings that define the requirements for specific types of non-conformance. Whenever a non-conformance is created, one of these profiles is applied to the non-conformance. 

Some examples of non-conformance profiles you might create include:

  • MRB non-conformance (containment, root cause, CAPA not required) 

  • Basic FRACAS non-conformance (root cause, corrective action required (containment, preventive actions not required) 

  • Full CAPA process (containment, root cause, CAPA all required)

Non-conformance profiles also dictate non-conformance documentation requirements, requirements for closure, team members for various roles related to each type of non-conformance, and approval processes.

You use the Templates and Standards area of the NPI client application to create and save non-conformance profiles.

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