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Activity-level part assignments (Composer Player Pro)

When you use the Pro version of SOLIDWORKS Composer Player, part assignments function the same way as activity-level part assignments in NPI, allowing interactivity with Operator Interface template gadgets such as the BOM Viewer, BOM Block, and BOM Line Item Detail Viewer.


In order for parts to appear in the Assignments area of the Composer Settings dialog:

  • You must have a SOLIDWORKS Composer Player Pro license activated

  • The part numbers must be in your Bill of Materials

  • The BOM must be in a published state

  1. Log into the NPI client application.

  2. Open an existing process definition, then double-click the operation that contains the Composer Player file.

  3. Double click the Composer Step, then select the Composer Settings tab of the Settings dialog.

    The parts displayed in the Part Assignments column of the Activities table cells are the parts which are visible in the selected Composer View.

  4. Select the box next to a part number to assign it to that activity. 

  5. Use the check box at the top of the list to select or deselect all parts in the list.

  6. In the Instructions column of the table, you can select any of the Data Collection Activities and even define the instruction itself. 

  7. Use the Up and Down arrows above the Activities list to move a selected activity up or down.

  8. When finished with the views and activities, select the Apply button to build out the activities under the Composer Step. When you select the Apply button, any modifications made to individual activities is reflected immediately on the Composer Settings tab.

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