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Create, modify, search, duplicate, or delete an assembly

  1. Log into the NPI client application.

  2. Select Libraries Libraries button > Assembly Library.

    Please Select an Assembly window

  3. In the Please Select an Assembly window, use the toolbar search and filtering options to help you locate an assembly in the library quickly. There are also buttons to create new assemblies, assembly revisions, and duplicate existing assembly revisions.

    See the following table for details about using the toolbar buttons and commands in the Please Select an Assembly window.

    Assembly Library toolbar

Toolbar button


New Assembly

Creates a new assembly.

In the dialog, you can specify a name and revision, select a customer or add a new customer, specify if the assembly will be configurable, and enter a description. When you select OK, the Load Design Files wizard displays in the Assembly window to help you locate and select the design files for the new assembly.

Please Create a New Assembly dialog

New Revision

Creates a new revision of the currently-selected assembly.

In the dialog, you can specify a new name for the assembly revision, a revision level, and select whether the assembly must be compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standard. You can also add a description. When you select OK, the Load Design Files wizard displays in the Assembly window to guide you through selecting design files for the new assembly revision.

Please Enter a new Revision Name dialog

Duplicate Revision

Duplicates the currently-selected assembly revision.

In the dialog, you can specify a new name for the assembly revision, a revision level, and select whether the assembly must be compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standard. You can also add a description.

On the right side of the dialog, you can specify whether this revision is the latest. When you select OK, the Load Design Files wizard displays to guide you through selecting the design files for the duplicated assembly revision.

Please Enter a New Revision Name dialog (Duplicate Revision)

Mark Assembly as Current

Marks the currently-selected assembly or assembly revision as current. 

In the confirmation dialog, select Yes to mark the assembly current, or No to return to the Please Select an Assembly dialog without making any changes.


Deletes the currently-selected assembly or assembly revision from the library.

In the confirmation dialog, select OK to delete the assembly or Cancel to return to the Please Select an Assembly dialog without making any changes.

If an assembly has dependencies, you will see this error message:

Delete assembly error message

In such cases, you need to remove all dependencies before you can delete the assembly.


Select the options you want to use, enter a customer or assembly name in the Search For: box, then press Enter (or select the binoculars Search button (binoculars) button).

Search By Assembly: Searches for an assembly by part number or name.

Search By Customer: Searches for an assembly by customer name.

Date Filtering

Use Filter: Searches for an assembly by when it was saved in the library. 

Use Filter option

Advanced Filter: Searches for an assembly be a specified date range. Select From, select a date, then select To and select another date to create the desired date range.

Selecting a date range for filtering

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