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FactoryLogix xTend Framework


The FactoryLogix xTend Framework allows end users and third-party integrators to build connections from FactoryLogix to external systems, extend the functionality of FactoryLogix, and customize its behavior to suit the needs of a particular environment. The xTend Framework provides a comprehensive and singular integration point that is both intuitive and easy to use. 

Software developers, integrators, and other IT professionals who intend to build integrations and customizations to the FactoryLogix MOS system will benefit from the xTend API Framework.

The primary purpose of the xTend Framework is to facilitate system-to-system integrations and data sharing between FactoryLogix and other software platforms running in your enterprise such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems.

xTend also allows for other types of development projects, including:

  • Development of fully-customized operator interfaces

  • Integration with robotic equipment and the factory automation layer

  • Customization or extension of system behavior

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