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Non-conformance review and disposition

After a non-conformance is documented, FactoryLogix will inform the MRB that a new non-conformance is ready for review. The group will review the information and decide on the disposition of the non-conformance. Depending on the situation, the review team may decide to initiate one or more actions, for example: 

  • Scrap
    The non-conforming product/material cannot be used for its intended purpose and cannot be repaired.

  • Use as is
    The non-conforming product/material may be used in its existing condition (this typically occurs when the non-conformance is minor or cosmetic and deemed acceptable by the MRB).

  • Return to vendor
    The non-conforming/defective material or component will be returned to vendor from which it was purchased.

  • False non-conformance
    Upon review, it was determined that the non-conformance was erroneously initiated. The product/material may be returned to the normal flow.

  • Repair/rework
    If the repair/rework option is chosen, FactoryLogix will allow the user to re-route the non-conforming product/material to a repair/rework operation, a rework process flow, or to a Just-In-Time rework process flow. 

In addition to a disposition decision, further actions may be required. The disposition team can initiate several different action plans for a non-conformance. Each of these action plans will be subject to a process of plan creation, plan approval, plan execution, and verification. 

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