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Pre-installation checklist


Be sure to validate the following pre-installation checklist and review the Recommended system specification before you install FactoryLogix.

You must complete all checklist items before you install FactoryLogix.

  • A supported version of Microsoft SQL Server installed and accessible, including SQL Server Management Studio (see Recommended system specification for supported versions)
  • FactoryLogix Database created and configured for access
  • Administrative access to FactoryLogix Database and FactoryLogix Server
  • Service account created on domain for Aegis
  • User name: __________________________ Password: _________________________
  • SQL authentication account created
  • User name: __________________________ Password: _________________________
  • Microsoft .NET Framework installed on the application server and/or PCs being installed (not required because the .NET Framework is incorporated in the Aegis Software installation program)
  • A supported version of Windows Server installation media on hand (see Recommended system specification for supported versions)
  • Aegis software on hand
  • Installation packages: FactoryLogix Applications.exe and FactoryLogix Server.exe
  • FactoryLogix Cloud License Key (email) or FactoryLogix Hardware USB License dongle (SafeNet Sentinel SuperPro/UltraPro) on hand)
  • License file (*.lic file) on hand, if hardware dongle is used

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