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Select a BOM worksheet

(This topic is continued from the previous topic in the series.)


If you did not import a multi-tab worksheet BOM file, move to the next topic.

When you import a worksheet-based BOM file containing more than one tab/worksheet to use for a new process definition, the BOM Worksheet Selection option displays in the Process Definition wizard.

  1. After you select a BOM worksheet file for importing, select BOM Worksheet Selection on the left side of the wizard page.

    Select the BOM Worksheet Selection option

    The BOM Worksheet Selection page displays, allowing you to select the desired BOM worksheet for this assembly. The following illustration shows an Excel file BOM with two worksheets: AEGIS_CONSOLE$ and Sheet 1$.

    BOM Worksheet Selection page

  2. Under Worksheets, select the worksheet that contains the BOM data for this assembly.

    The Preview pane on the right side of the window shows you what the worksheet BOM looks like before further editing.

  3. Select Next to move to the next wizard page.

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