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Use Smart Text tags in a template

Smart Text tags use placeholder text. When an Active Work Instruction template is used in production, Smart Text tags are replaced with data from a specific source. For example, Assembly Name and Revision is a Smart Text field that looks like this when you are editing: %AssemblyNameRevision%. When viewed in the Production client application, the Smart Text tag is replaced with the actual assembly name and revision. 

Menu item


Maps to:

Assembly Description


The (optional) description entered for an assembly when it was created. See Create, modify, or search for an assembly.

Assembly Name


The name of an assembly. See Create, modify, or search for an assembly.

Assembly Name and Revision


The name and revision level of an assembly. See Create, modify, or search for an assembly.

Assembly Revision


The revision level of an assembly. See Create, modify, or search for an assembly.

Assembly RoHS


Specifies whether an assembly is compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standard. Displays as RoHS or Not RoHS in production.

Batch Name


The name of a batch.

Current Date


Today's date.



The name of a customer from the Customer Library. See Customer Library.

Custom Field

%Custom Field%

If you add an IPN custom field to FactoryLogix in System Configuration, it will display as a Smart Text field with the same name.



Specifies a measurement collected in production at an activity in a previous step or operation for a specific production unit.

Measurement data can be displayed from date, numeric, text, or item collection activities. In the Text Properties dialog, fill in the Name field. The measurement Name is the header field from the data collection activity.

Example: If a numeric data collection activity collects a value in Step 1, then in Step 2 the Measurement Smart Text displays this value in your work instruction. If the data collection activity details header is MeasurementValue, then the Smart Text Measurement Name should be set to MeasurementValue and it will display as %MeasurementValue%.

Measurement Smart Text tag properties

Modified Date


The date a process was last modified, for example 6/26/2019.

Modified Date and Time


The time a process was last modified, for example 6/26/2019 10:20:51 AM.



The name of an operation in a process flow, for example Initialization.

Page Number


The current page number of the Active Work Instruction document in the current operation.

Process Description


The (optional) description of a process.

Process Revision


The revision level of a process.

Process Revision Creator


The name of the individual who created a process revision, for example AegisAdmin.

Process Step


The name of a step in a process.

Total Pages


The number of total pages of Active Work Instruction documents in the current operation.

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