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Using Analytics


Analytics icon

This guide introduces the FactoryLogix® Analytics (optional) client application and helps you learn to use its powerful features and functions to visualize your factory data. 

FactoryLogix Analytics provides real-time dashboards, reports, and analytics to help you build the data outputs you need in an intuitive, graphical manner. 

The Analytics client application is for these FactoryLogix users:

  • Business analysts and other users who need to extract data from the system for reports and charts

  • Administrators who monitor and manage the FactoryLogix system


The FactoryLogix Enterprise Warehouse features powerful, enterprise-level data transaction processing. Using the Enterprise Warehouse, you can combine and synthesize data from ERP and PLM systems, DataMiner, and other systems to produce multi-site, enterprise-level data reports and analytics. For more information, see Using the Enterprise Warehouse.

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