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About FactoryLogix Learning and Training

Your system includes this FactoryLogix Learning content (also referred to as documentation) and a comprehensive set of training courses in our FactoryLogix Training portal. Once you're registered for training, you can use both systems to suit your self-service learning and training needs.

FactoryLogix Learning

FactoryLogix Learning (this site) is loaded with useful information about product training courses. The site also contains comprehensive product documentation to help you learn about specific FactoryLogix concepts, features, individual procedures, and tasks. A handy Search feature can help you find specific topics related to your job and how you use the software.

FactoryLogix Training

The FactoryLogix Training portal has many self-service training courses to help you quickly learn FactoryLogix and get the most out of the software. Train at your own pace and take only the courses you need to learn the areas of FactoryLogix you'll use the most.

The following illustration shows the FactoryLogix Training login page where you'll begin your learning journey after you register for product training

FactoryLogix training home page

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