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Add parts list items to a packing list

When you create a Packout step in an NPI process definition, you can add items to the packout list dynamically based on the batch-level pick list items (imported via an xTend FLX-XTD-JOB-01.xml file).

  1. In NPI, open a process definition.

  2. Double-click the Packout operation in the Process tree.

  3. Double-click the Packout Step.

  4. Select the Packout Settings tab, then select the Include Parts List Include Parts List button button (the middle button) under Packing List.

    All items from the parts list are added to the packing list automatically. An activity named Pack item "From parts List" is added to the Packout Step on the left side of the Process Definition window.

    Pack Items from Parts List activity

    Packout from Parts List Items

    In Production, the appropriate part numbers are pulled from the parts list automatically.

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