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Composer Player versions and views

Composer Player versions

There are two versions of the Composer Player environment available from SOLIDWORKS:

  • Free version

  • Pro version


The Free or Pro version of Composer Player must be installed in order to leverage SOLIDWORKS Composer capabilities in FactoryLogix. The Pro version offers additional functionality; see Activity-level part assignments (Composer Player Pro) for more information.

Composer Player views

On the left side of the Composer Player, there the Views tab displays the individual views created in the Composer Authoring environment. Double-clicking a view on the left side of the Player window will automatically animate the transition to that view.

Composer Player Views

In the middle of the Player window, the selected 3D object defaults to the Start position or view. Users may manipulate 3D models by moving, rotating, zooming, and so on. Clicking an object reveals its properties on the right side of the Player window.

For complete information about the Composer Player, consult your SOLIDWORKS Composer documentation.

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