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Find Material

Find Material button

The Find Material tool allows you to search all stock locations for specific part numbers, UIDs, or all parts in a specific location. 

  1. Log into Mobile Logistics, then select the Find Material button.

    Scan a barcode or enter a UID

  2. Scan a barcode or enter a UID, part number, or stock location, then select Search for UID, P/N, or Location to display information about the material instance.

    Material instance details are displayed in a table

    • If you enter a part number, a list of every instance of that part number is displayed, regardless of stock location.

    • If you enter a stock location, a list of all UIDs in that stock location is displayed.

  3. Select the Print Label button to generate a UID label for the selected part using the printer specified in the Settings area of the Mobile Logistics Login screen.

    Printer settings for printing UID labels

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