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Main functions

Mobile Logistics main functions

Mobile Logistics has the following main functions:



Remove From Stock

Removes a Unique Identifier (UID) from stock.

Execute Transport Order

Allows you to select parts on a transport order.

Move To Stock

Moves a material instance to a stock location.

Splice Reel

Allows you to select two partial reels of SMT parts by UID and splice them together.

Find Material

Searches all stock locations for specific part numbers, UIDs, and all parts in a specific location.

Split Reel

Allows you to select a reel of SMT parts by UID, split it into two reels, and create a new material instance for the second reel.

Empty UID

Allows you to zero out or change the quantity of a UID.

Reset Quantity

Allows you to adjust/set a UID quantity.

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