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Get new designs & processes into production as fast and well-documented as possible 

FactoryLogix has powerful capabilities that allow you create new manufacturing process designs quickly and get new products into production. A true process-driven approach allows you to quickly develop intelligent work instructions for any product at the most granular activity level. The documentation engine leverages both part data and design data to develop rich, interactive support documentation that guides operators through each sequential assembly and production step. You can quickly create documentation templates for every step in your manufacturing process; the templates fully automate most design visuals as soon as they are imported.  

Create a new assembly using only BOM data

This course takes you through the steps to import a Bill of Materials (BOM) and work with the BOM data.

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Related documentation

Create a new assembly using BOM and ECAD data

This course outlines how to import a Bill of Materials (BOM) and define a new assembly using ECAD data. FactoryLogix uses a series of wizard pages to guide you through the steps to create a new product or assembly. 

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Related documentation

Create a new assembly using BOM and Gerber data

This course takes you through the steps to create an assembly using Gerber data. Gerber files commonly used in PCB manufacturing are machine programs for photo plotters. These vector-based drawings of each layer of the PCB require additional processing referred to as digitizing in order to be used in FactoryLogix. The Gerber digitizer in FactoryLogix has several tools to assist with the digitizing process. 

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Related documentation

Create a new assembly using BOM and MCAD or 3D CAD data

This course describes how to create and manage assemblies, how to import and manage BOM data for your assemblies, and how to import and process 3D CAD data. 

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Related documentation

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