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Manage project requests

Project administrators are typically responsible for reviewing and approving project requests. These requests are displayed in the Projects window under Unscheduled Projects. After reviewing a project request, you can use the toolbar buttons to:

  • Change a project request to an active project

  • Edit a project request

  • Mark a project as viewed

  • Mark a project as new

  • Delete a project request

  1. Log into the NPI client application.

  2. Select Process Engineering Process Engineering buttonSchedule Projects to display the Projects window.

  3. Select a project in the Unscheduled Projects list.

    Manage project requests

  4. To make a project request an active project, select the Make a Project Make a Project button button, review or update the project details in the Edit Project Information dialog, then select OK.


Once you change a project request to an active project, you cannot change it back to a project request.

  1. To edit the project request, select the Edit Project Request Edit Project Request button button, update the project details in the Edit Project Information dialog, then select OK.

  2. To mark a project request as read, select the Mark as Viewed Mark_as_Viewed_button.pngMark as Viewed button button.

  3. To mark a project request as New, select the Mark as New Mark as New button button.

  4. To delete a project request, select the Delete Project Request Delete Project Request button button.

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