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Manage users


The Users tab of the Enterprise BI website allows administrators to manually add users to the selected site or delete users from a site. You can also specify user details such as email address, phone number and extension, and assign a login password for the site for each user so they can view data sources you've given them access to. 


By default, any users or roles who have the Enterprise Reporting Tool permission turned on in the Users and Roles area of NPI are displayed automatically on the Users tab of the Enterprise BI website.

Users Information

  • The Administrator role is the built-in (default) account for the Enterprise BI administrator. You can specify additional administrator roles by selecting a name on the left side of the window, then selecting the Administrator check box.

  • The Everyone role is the default role for all FactoryLogix users. People assigned to the Everyone role have typical user access to the Enterprise Warehouse as specified by the administrator on the Roles tab of the Enterprise BI window.

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