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Move To Stock

When you move an inventory item to stock, the item's location in the stock room is set, and the item is made available for use in a future material reservation.

  1. Log into Mobile Logistics, then select the Move to Stock button.

  2. Scan a barcode or enter the UID of the item to be moved to a stock location, then select Retrieve UID.

    Move To Stock window

  3. (Optional) If you want to locate multiple UIDs, first select the Multiple UIDs Multiple UIDs ON button button to turn it ON, then scan a barcode or enter the UID of the first item to move to stock.


When Multiple UIDs is turned on, a Select All check box is also displayed. Use the check box to move all UIDs to stock simultaneously.

The details for the entered UID are displayed in the table below the entry.

UID details

  1. Enter or scan the stock location where the selected material UID should be stocked, then select the Require Location button.

  2. Review the information on the screen for accuracy, then select Move to Stock

    When the move is completed, you will see a message, for example "Successfully moved 12 UIDS into Location SA-A1-C2".

    Success message for moving UIDs to stock

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