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Production floor

Are you a team member working out on the factory floor who takes part in the manufacturing process? If so, your workstation may be set up to use the FactoryLogix Production client application to help you do your work. The system visually guides operators through their build process, enforces capture of the required manufacturing steps, and provides evidence of all work performed as part of each product’s build history—all in an intuitive, paperless environment. Production line management features include quality tracking, traceability, and process verification. Production also supports you and other shop floor operators with a variety of production planning tools.

FactoryLogix digitally tracks every production unit factory-wide in real-time. Whether your products are batch or serialized units, production routes are enforced, guiding units in and out of workstations and through rework loops where applicable. Production routing adapts to line down conditions by rerouting products automatically to alternate parallel processes and ensures successful product packout operations, taking care of the control activities that would normally consume a lot of overhead.  

Set up my workstation using the right materials.png

Engineering change notices.png

Run a report in production.png

Start work on a batch and follow work instructions.png

Use the Hotspot Viewer.png

Production floor operators looking at a tablet
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