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Real-Time Analysis


Settings button

Global options in NPI affect how users interact with FactoryLogix features and functions and control all aspects of the system. Global option settings combined with user roles and permissions allow different types of access to all areas of the FactoryLogix system. Administrators access FactoryLogix global options in the Settings area of the NPI client application.


Only a member of the Administrator group can configure default values for global options.




Real-Time Analysis


  • Server Name - Specifies the name of the computer hosting the Real-Time Analysis service.

  • Server Port - Specifies the port used to connect to the Real-Time Analysis service. The value must be between 1024 and 65535. The default port is 6060.

  • SignalR Port - The port used to connect to the Real-Time Analysis service SignalR Hub used for client messaging. The port is a value between 1024 and 65535. The default port is 8080.

  • Enable Real-Time Analysis Engine Connection - When set to True, connects to a Real-Time Analysis Engine to process data.

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