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Set up the default reservation type

There are two places where you can set up the reservation type in FactoryLogix: on the Global Options tab of the Settings area in the NPI client application or in the Part Library.


See Set up a reservation type in the Part Library for details about setting up the reservation type at the part level.

  1. Log into the NPI client application.

  2. Select System Configuration System Configuration button > Settings.

  3. On the Global Options tab under Settings Category, select Logistics.

  4. In the Option Type: Production Planning sub-category, use the drop-down next to Default Reservation Type to select the default reservation type: UID, Quantity, or Flexible UID.


See Reservation types for details about the three kinds of reservation types.

Default Reservation Type Global Options

  1. Select the Save button in the lower-right corner of the window to save your selection.

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