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SMT Line Management Settings


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Global options in NPI affect how users interact with FactoryLogix features and functions and control all aspects of the system. Global option settings combined with user roles and permissions allow different types of access to all areas of the FactoryLogix system. Administrators access FactoryLogix global options in the Settings area of the NPI client application.


Only a member of the Administrator group can configure default values for global options.




SMT Line Management Settings

Trace Import

  • Import Trace Files Location - Specifies the location to read the SMT Line Management trace files for product tracking and material placement processing.

  • Import Consumption Data from ConsumptionBeamer.exe XML Files - When set to True, consumption data from XML files that were generated by the ConsumptionBeamer.exe program are imported (instead of accumulating consumption data from traceability files). The default is False.

  • Delete Processed Trace Files Delay - Specifies the number of days to wait to delete processed trace files. Set the option to zero to delete trace files immediately after processing (only applies when the Delete Processed Trace Files option is set to True).

  • Use the <Side> XML Tag to Determine Side - When set to True, uses the <Side> XML tag to determine the side (otherwise, the <Job> XML tag is for the side information).

  • Delete Processed Trace Files - When set to True, deletes trace files after they are processed.

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