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Splice Reel

Splice Reel button

In some cases (usually specific to PCB Manufacturing), small SMT parts are loaded onto reels that hold thousands of parts. If you want to take two smaller partial reels of common parts and splice them together into a single reel of parts, you can use the Splice Reel function.

  1. Log into Mobile Logistics, then select the Splice Reel button.

  2. Scan the barcode or enter the Leading UID—this is the reel you will splice/attach to the Trailing UID, then select Retrieve Leading UID.

     Select Retrieve Leading UID

  3. Scan the barcode or enter the Trailing UID in the Trailing UID field—this is the reel you will splice/attach to the Leading UID, then select the Retrieve trailing UID button.

    After this operation is complete, the Trailing UID becomes invalid and the Leading UID’s quantity increases by the number of parts remaining on the Trailing UID.

  4. Review the confirmation screen, then select the Splice Reels button.

    Select Splice Reels

    You will see a confirmation message when the splice reels activity is completed.

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