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Annotations page

Use the options on the Annotations page to create and customize image and text annotations for a chart.

Chart wizard Annotations page



Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout. 


You can select an annotation directly in the chart preview area.

Annotations management section

Allows you to add or remove annotations from the annotations list and choose an annotation to be customized.


Specify an annotation's name, adjust its visibility, z-order, and layout.

Anchor Point

Select an element to anchor to (chart, pane, or series point) and adjust the corresponding options.

Shape Position

Select an annotation's shape position type (free or relative) and adjust the corresponding options.


Depending on an annotation's type (text or image), specify its content.


Specify an annotation's inner indents.


Adjust an annotation's background color, fill style, shape, and connector options.


Specify the visibility, color, and thickness of an annotation's borders.


Specify the visibility, color, and size of an annotation's shadow.

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