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Panes page

Use the Panes page options to customize the properties of a chart's panes.

Chart wizard Panes page



Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.

Pane selector

Specifies a pane to be customized.

Options tabs

  • General
    Determines whether the selected pane should be visible, specifies its name, size mode and size value.

  • Appearance
    Specifies a pane's background color and fill style and its background image.

  • Border
    Determines whether a pane's border should be visible and defines its color.

  • Shadow
    Determines whether a pane's shadow should be visible and defines its color and size.

  • Scroll & Zoom
    Enable or disable a pane's scrolling and zooming for specific axes.

  • Scroll Bars
    If scrolling and/or zooming is enabled for an axis, adjust the scroll bars visibility, position and appearance.

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