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Point Labels page

Use the Point Labels page options to do the following:

  • Resolve overlapping of point labels

  • Customize the appearance of point labels

Chart wizard Point Labels page


Point labels are hidden in the chart control by default. To display series point labels, select the Visible check box.



Chart preview area

Previews a chart's layout.


You can select a point labels to be modified directly in the chart preview area.

Series selector

Specifies a series to be customized.

Options tabs

  • General
    Specifies whether labels should be visible and shown for zero values and determines their text and resolves overlapping settings.

  • Text Pattern
    Specifies a text pattern to format series point labels.

  • Line
    Determines whether label lines should be visible and specifies their appearance.

  • Appearance
    Specifies the background color and fill style of labels.

  • Border
    Determines whether label borders should be visible and defines their color and thickness.

  • Shadow
    Specifies whether a label's shadow should be visible and defines its color and size.

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