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BOM Management


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Global options in NPI affect how users interact with FactoryLogix features and functions and control all aspects of the system. Global option settings combined with user roles and permissions allow different types of access to all areas of the FactoryLogix system. Administrators access FactoryLogix global options in the Settings area of the NPI client application.


Only a member of the Administrator group can configure default values for global options.

In the BOM Management category, you configure the default global option settings for all aspects of BOM management including BOM editing behavior, publishing, error checking, part number synchronization, and BOM comparison behavior.


To search for a global option, select a column header on the right side of the window, then press Ctrl+F. In the Search box that displays at the top of the window, enter a search string, then press Enter. All categories containing the search string you entered are highlighted in Yellow. (Select the Close button to end the search and redisplay all settings.)




BOM Management


  • Create New Part Revision for Each BOM Occurrence - When set to True, the revision strategy defaults to Create New Revision for each BOM Line Item.


We strongly recommend leaving this option set to False and consulting Aegis before you enable it.

  • Auto Merge Duplicate Line Items - (Used when importing BOM files.) When set to True (default), duplicate BOM line items with the same line Item number are merged automatically into a single wild card BOM line item.


This global option should be set to False when importing a Configure To Order BOM, otherwise you might need to use the configuration option Split items to remove duplicate references, then use the Group items option to group the duplicates. See Format (clean) a BOM and resolve errors for more information.

  • Show Custom Fields in the BOM Error Correction Area - When set to True, displays custom fields in the BOM Error Correction area. (See Define custom fields for more information.)

  • Allow Post-Release Editing of  BOM Line Item Custom Fields - When set to True, allows editing BOM line item custom fields after releasing to production.

BOM Management

BOM Error Checking

The following options/error codes are used when formatting a BOM:


You can set each of the following options to:

  • Error - Prevents the BOM publishing process until the error is resolved

  • Warning - Displays a warning message when the error occurs

  • Ignore - Ignores the error when it occurs

  • Mismatched Reference Count to Quantity

  • Duplicate Reference Designators

  • Missing Reference Designators

  • Missing Customer Part Numbers

  • Missing Customers

  • Missing Vendor Part Numbers

  • Missing Vendors

  • Missing Manufacturer Part Numbers

  • Missing Manufacturers

  • Duplicate Line Item

  • Missing Line Item

  • Unit of Issue Matching - This validation is used when a Unit of Issue column is supplied with an imported BOM and the Logistics client application.

  • Generic Part BOM Line Item Missing Reference

BOM Management

BOM Publishing - Synchronization

  • Auto-Publish BOM (No Errors) - When set to True, automatically publishes a BOM if it imports without errors.

  • Treat Part Numbers as Electrical (or Generic) - During BOM import, all part numbers are treated as electrical or generic. Specify None to ignore part number types.


You can set each of the following options to do one of the following: Never Override (never synchronize), Always Override (always synchronize), Update Missing Information Only (only update missing part number information), Prompt User (Side-by Side Comparison) (prompt users to compare part numbers and synchronize manually before publishing).

The following options are used when publishing a BOM:

  • Internal Part Number (IPN) Synchronization - Determines Internal part number synchronization process during BOM publishing.

  • Customer Part Number (CPN) Synchronization - Determines Customer part number synchronization process during BOM publishing.

  • Vendor Part Number (VPN) Synchronization - Determines Vendor part number synchronization process during BOM publishing.

  • Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) Synchronization - Determines Manufacturer part number synchronization process during BOM publishing.

  • Internal Part Number (IPN) Relationship Synchronization - Determines Internal part number relationship synchronization process during BOM publishing.

  • AVL Strategy

    • Maintains a global Approved Vendor List (AVL) for each part number (IPN). The supplied AVL is used for part matching only. Users must enable the Automatically merge AVLs from imported BOMs option to add imported AVLs to the global AVL.

    • Maintains a BOM-level AVL for each part number (IPN). An AVL is created against the BOM line item associated with each part number.

  • Automatically merge AVLs from Imported BOMs - When set to True, merges all imported AVLs with the existing global AVL. (The global AVL consists of all IPN-VPN relationships in the Part Library.)

  • AML Strategy

    • Maintains a global Part Library Approved Manufacturer List (AML) for each part number (IPN). The supplied AML is used for part matching only. Users must enable the Automatically merge AMLs from imported BOMs option to add imported AMLs to the global AML.

    • Maintains a BOM-level AML for each part number (IPN). An AML is created against the BOM line item associated to each part number.

  • Automatically merge AMLs from Imported BOMs - When set to True, merges all imported AMLs with the existing global AML. (The Global AML consists of all IPN-MPN relationships in the Part Library.)

  • Alternate IPN Strategy

    • Maintains a global Part Library Alternate IPN for each part number (IPN). When enabled, all imported Alt IPNs are merged with the existing global Alt IPNs. (The global Alt IPN is the IPN-Alt IPN relationship in the Part Library.)

    • Maintains a BOM-level Alt IPN for each part number (IPN). An Alt IPN is created against the BOM line item associated with each part number.

  • BOM Common Parts - Include Unique Parts - When set to True, includes line items for each unique part in addition to the common parts in the BOM Common parts area.

  • BOM Comparison - Include Revision Information - When set to True, the Include Revision Information check box takes into account the part revisions (if applied) when comparing BOMs.

  • BOM Comparison - Include Quantity - When set to True, the Include Quantity check box includes quantity comparisons in the BOM Comparison area.

  • BOM Comparison - Part Options - These options are the default part number comparison options in the BOM Comparison area:

    • All Checked - Displays the differences for all the options between BOM A and BOM B.

    • Added - Added - Displays all Part Numbers in BOM B that are not in BOM A.

    • Removed - Displays all Part Numbers in BOM A that are not in BOM B.

    • Different Manufacturing Part - Displays Manufacturing Part Number differences between BOM A and BOM B.

    • Different Customer Part - Displays Customer Part Number differences between BOM A and BOM B.

    • Different Vendor Part - Displays Vendor Part Number differences between BOM A and BOM B.

  • BOM Comparison - Include Moved Line Items - When set to True, the Include Moved Line Items check box shows any items that were moved (for example, different line items) in the BOM comparison.

  • BOM Comparison - Reference Options - These options are the default reference comparison options for the BOM comparison area:

    • All Checked - Displays the differences for all the options listed between BOM A and BOM B.

    • Added - Displays all References in BOM B that are not in BOM A.

    • Removed - Displays all References in BOM A that are not in BOM B.

    • Different Part Number - Displays all references where the assigned part number is different between BOM A and BOM B.

BOM Management


  • Permitted Alternate IPN Default - When set to True, sets any available BOM Level Alternate IPN as a permitted part. When set to False, sets any available BOM Level Alternate IPN as not permitted.

  • Permitted IPN Default - When set to True, sets the defined BOM Level IPN as a permitted part. When set to False, sets the defined BOM Level IPN as not permitted.

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