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Create a step using a wizard


Wizard-driven steps/work instructions are only available for new operations that don't yet contain any steps or activities. If an operation already has steps and/or activities, you can select a step type using the Add Add button button under Step List in the NPI Process tree.

Step wizard selection


Create color coded work instruction

This wizard helps you add a Color Coded step to a new operation. A Color Coded Step automates the color coding of parts to be placed or inspected. A Color Coded Step is typically used in PCB (electronics) manufacturing.

Create guided inspection work instruction

This wizard helps you add a Color Coded step to a new operation and the activities necessary to guide the inspection process by assigning a single part number or reference designator per activity.

The Create first article inspection work instruction option is the same as the Create guided inspection work instruction, but automatically sets the step frequency to once at the start of the batch to enable a First Article Inspection function on the factory floor.

Apply a template to this operation

This wizard lets you select and apply a saved template that has pre-defined steps and activities to a new operation. 

This wizard helps you create a single Standard step for a new operation. 

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