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Document Library

Document Library button

The Document Library (also referred to as the Global Document Library) houses documents/documentation (including videos) related to parts, products, assemblies, and manufacturing processes. You can upload and store documents in the library or you can link to documents, work instructions, or other supporting documents associated with a process definition, product, or assembly. 


Linking a document or folder records the path or network location to the actual documents or folders; the files are not stored in the FactoryLogix database.

In FactoryLogix, documents can be viewed several ways:

  • In the Document Library - Open the Document Library (NPI>Libraries>Document Library), then browse and preview all documents uploaded to the library.

  • In NPI - Link a document to a step or activity, then view the document like any other at the step or activity level in the Process Definition window. (See Link to documents and folders.)


Linking a document or folder records the path or network location to the actual documents or folders; the files are not stored in the FactoryLogix database.

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